International workshop on Central Asian Cycling Labs at TU Berlin

SPCE Hub, Hochschule Karlsruhe, the Center for Technology and Society at TU Berlin, the Krygyz State Technical University in Bishkek, and Tech4Impact Uzbekistan organised a workshop on co-designing potential cycling living labs in Central Asia. The workshop took place on 31 July 2023 in the premises of TU Berlin.


Saida Yusupova (CEO, GreenBusinessInnovation Uzbekistan)

Kubatbek Muktarbek uulu (KSTU Bishkek)

Professor Kalmamat Atabekov (KSTU Bishkek)

Professor Dr Jochen Eckart (Hochschule Karlsruhe)

Dr Wulf-Holger Arndt (Center for Technology and Society, TU Berlin)

Dr Sebastian Schiek (SPCE HUB)